An unfamiliar role...

            Remember David Byrne singing and dancing in that big suit? It was so odd, and yet, he looked so comfortable in it. I remember playing dress-up with my childhood friend, Doris, stumbling around in her mother’s dresses and ragged high-heeled shoes.  As I stomp around now, most often in clogs or wide-toed boots, I realize I was trying on a lifestyle that I never adopted. In fact, I never even got close to the glamourous lifestyle that those dresses and heels represented. Perhaps that’s exactly what dress-up is for, to try on roles and then discard them as we fumble and grow and morph into this version of ourselves that the child never imagined.

            I certainly never pictured myself as a marketer, but here we are, and honestly, it feels just as weird as wearing high heels. I love sitting at my desk writing, living inside my head, and talking with my imaginary friends. Or when I’m lying in bed waiting to fall asleep, and I find myself wandering around in my stories. The cliché is true. Writing is a very personal process. I think that is why trying to help sell a book seems so foreign. I don’t want to pester people or impinge on wonderful friendships. In the car, I turn off the radio in between the songs. When I watch tv, I pride myself on how quickly I can mute and unmute the constant ads. Give me a choice between televised soccer and football, and I will choose soccer every time. Forty-five-minute halves with no commercials!  What’s not to like?

            So here’s my promise as a non-marketer marketer. I will try to be brief but clear and interesting as well as honest. Most importantly, though, I will be appreciative of every reader, every critic, every individual who takes a moment from their day to read what I’ve written. As I said in an earlier blog, thankful is my religion and I plan to continue practicing it.

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